pro-independence leader Christian Tein will be placed in pre-trial detention in France

Arrested on June 19, the activist was indicted on Saturday. He is considered the head of the Field Action Coordination Unit (CCAT).


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Caledonian independence leader Christian Tein, during a general assembly in Bourail (New Caledonia), June 14, 2024. (DELPHINE MAYEUR / AFP)

A transfer against a backdrop of tensions. Christian Tein, the leader of the independence movement suspected by the authorities of having orchestrated the riots in New Caledonia, will be placed in pre-trial detention in France, his lawyer said on Saturday June 22, after his indictment in Nouméa the same day. Considered as the leader of the Field Action Coordination Unit (CCAT), he had been arrested on June 19 with seven other people

The public prosecutor of the overseas territory, Yves Dupas, confirmed to AFP “assignments in mainland France”, without further details following these closed-door appearances before a judge of freedoms and detention (JLD). Christian Tein must be incarcerated in Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin) according to his counsel, Pierre Ortet.

For her part, Brenda Wanabo, communications manager for the CCAT, must leave for Dijon prison, according to her lawyer. As for Frédérique Muliava, chief of staff to the president of the Congress of New Caledonia, she must be incarcerated in Riom, near Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme), according to her lawyer.

The charges against the three people have not been specified. The investigation targets in particular acts of criminal association, armed thefts by an organized gang, complicity by instigation of murders or attempted murders of persons holding public authority.

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