Pro B: the RMB, back to the wall, must quickly get on the train of victories

The RMB must do everything to get out of this spiral of defeats. And that goes through a victory this Friday evening against Saint-Quentin. Current last of Pro B, Rouen Basket Métropole is back to the wall. With 12 defeats since the start of the championship for only three small victories, Norman basketball players have no choice but to win.

Lack of confidence

Since the start of the season last October, Rouen basketball players have lacked stability. Several players were injured for a long time (Drouault, Philmore, Adamovic, among others). Others have been affected by the covid. “This start to the season is well below our expectations. We were very quickly affected by injuries, late arrivals which did not put us in the right dynamic“, explains Alexandre Ménard, the coach.

We chained difficult, painful matches, which did not allow us to install real confidence“, continues the Rouen technician. “This is what we have seen in our last two league games (Rouen led at half-time each time before losing, editor’s note). We don’t have this serenity in money-time (last minutes of play, editor’s note)“, adds Alexandre Ménard. And it was confirmed against the ASA on Tuesday.

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The Rouennais led by ten points at half-time against a direct competitor for maintenance. “The scenarios are equivalent. We have trouble finishing matches when we are leading 80% of the time“, analyzes Alexandre Ménard. “We are present at the start of matches, we lead by 18 points against Aix, which is not neutral, and by 13 points against ASA. We could have led a little more. I don’t know if it’s the pressure that the players put on themselves or in money-time it’s hard to identify the players who can hurt us“.

And yet, the Rouennais will have to redouble their efforts to score points. This may go through the arrival of Ousmane Camara, the 32-year-old pivot who signed with the RMB.

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