Private jet and water consumption: Kim Kardashian denies doing anything for the planet

Kim Kardashian denies doing nothing to fight climate change, after being criticized for her private jet trips and excessive water consumption.

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“I believe in climate change and I believe that many things can help fight it,” she said in an interview with the magazine. Interview.

However, she is of the opinion that you have to be “realistic” in the actions you choose to take, so as not to put too much on your shoulders.

“I have friends who are super involved in climate change and I love learning from them, but you have to choose what works for your life,” says the reality star.

“No one can be 100% perfect,” insists the businesswoman.

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Djet flights decried

Like other stars and billionaires across the globe, Kim Kardashian is accused of harming the environment and being out of touch with the climate crisis.

Since the beginning of the year, she would have made 57 flights aboard her private jet, which is equivalent to emissions of 4000 tons of CO2according to British digital company Yard.

On average, his flights would have lasted around 85 minutes. His shortest flight of the year: barely 23 minutes.

9 years of water in 1 month

It is not only his private jet trips that arouse indignation.

Kim Kardashian also allegedly did not follow water restrictions imposed in California due to droughts. His water usage at his Hidden Hills residences reportedly topped 230,000 gallons this summer, reports the Los Angeles Times.

The star reportedly used nine years’ worth of water in just one month.

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