Private daycares | The PQ is concerned about the number of complaints

(Quebec) The opposition is alarmed by the number of complaints filed regarding child health and safety against private, subsidized or unsubsidized daycares.

Between 1er April 2023 and February 29, 2024, more than a third of complaints, 36.5%, targeted unsubsidized private daycares, while these establishments constitute barely 20% of the early childhood network, according to data obtained by the Parti Québécois (PQ) and transmitted to La Presse Canadienne.

Likewise, 40.7% of complaints concerned subsidized private daycares, although they represent 21% of the offer.

So in total, subsidized and unsubsidized private daycares were the subject of 77.2% of complaints, even though they make up a little more than 40% of the network.

In comparison, Early Childhood Centers (CPE), which represent 35% of the network, generated 19.4% of the volume of plains.

The PQ, which calls for a 100% CPE network, criticizes the Minister of Families, Suzanne Roy, for being “clearly in favor of the private sector”.

The PQ spokesperson for family matters, Joël Arseneau, accused the minister of making the deliberate choice of offering lower quality services.

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