Privas hospital gets an MRI

The management of the Privas hospital and the vice-president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in charge of health announced on Monday that the Privas hospital would benefit from an MRI. Studies are starting right now and this Magnetic Resonance Imaging could be put into service during the second half of 2023.

A cost of four million euros

It is very heavy equipment since its cost is four million euros, half of which is financed by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

It’s not normal to wait two or three months for an MRI. There is a danger to the life of others. Laurence Fautra, vice-president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in charge of health.

You have to wait on average 53 days if you live in the Privas basin to be able to have an MRI. And you have to go either to Valence or to Aubenas where the waiting list is also getting longer. Valuable time is wasted in diagnosing and therefore taking care of the patient. There is a danger to the lives of others, explains the vice-president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region Laurence Fautra.

Good news for a recovering hospital

The Privas hospital has experienced difficult times in recent years with very great difficulty in recruiting, calls for temporary doctors who have widened the deficit of the establishment which has reached 8 million euros per year. If it was a private structure, this hospital would be bankrupt, commented the director of the regional health agency.

It is now a question of stopping the flight of patients who no longer have confidence towards other hospital structures. The MRI can partly help restore trust with the inhabitants of the Privas living area.

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