prison sentences required



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Monday, November 29, the appeal trial of François Fillon was held for suspicion jobs fictitious of his wife Pénélope Fillon. In duplex since Paris courthouse, the journalist from France Télévisions Sophie Neumayer takes stock of this case.

During the appeal trial of François Fillon for suspicion of fictitious employment of his wife Pénélope Fillon, the prosecution requested five years’ imprisonment, including one firm year, and a fine of 375,000 euros. The prosecution also requested ten years of ineligibility. When discussing the activity of Pénélope Fillon, the advocates general spoke of a “intangible, intangible, evanescent even vaporous activity”, reports the journalist of France Televisions Sophie Neumayer, in duplex from the courthouse of Paris for the 23 hours of Franceinfo Monday, November 29.

The journalist adds that concerning Pénélope Fillon, the sentence requested was “two years suspended and 100,000 euros fine”. “It is slightly less than what was required at first instance”, she specifies. She explains that the former prime minister “did not hide his exasperation before his lawyers rose to their turn to plead and proclaim his innocence”.

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