priority to your home

Sagittarius, in 2022, the home in all its forms! With news related to your place of life and your family.

Sagittarius: heart side in 2022

What if you took the opportunity to collect yourself in order to redefine your priorities regarding your love life? Your motto: be well accompanied, or nothing!

Sagittarius: work side in 2022

What matters to you? Let everyone feel good in your home (including yourself!), Work will follow.

Sagittarius: on the financial side in 2022

You enjoy spending for the useful as well as for the pleasure.

Sagittarius: fitness side in 2022

In the event of a drop in the speed, you find the method, often original, which suits you perfectly.

Sagittarius: the right time of year 2022

From the end of August, because or thanks to the other, you evolve. End of June to mid-July and mid-November to mid-December, love and friendship. End of August to end of October, fruitful discussions.

Discover the 2022 horoscope for other signs

Aries in 2022: this year invites you to take a step back

Taurus in 2022: the year will be attractive

Gemini in 2022: the evolution to come

Cancer in 2022: a great year in sight

Lion in 2022: sharing and complicity

Virgo in 2022: a year rich in encounters

Libra in 2022: you will have a lot to do

Scorpio in 2022: the year will be creative and recreational

Capricorn in 2022: we travel, we cultivate ourselves and we communicate

Aquarius in 2022: your efforts are coming true

Pisces in 2022: you are the chosen one of this year

Earn your personalized horoscope

The astral chart indicates the position of the sun and the planets at the time of your birth. To be as exact as possible, Catherine Viguié, the astrologer of France Bleu, needs details: your day, time and place of birth. These will define your astrological sign, your ascendant and your descendant which will be able to determine with precision your personality.

To play and try to win your chart, personalized by Catherine Viguié, click here.

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