Print in fashion at the Museum of Printing on Fabrics

Did you know that the Mulhouse textile factories were famous all over the world? This know-how was torn from each other everywhere.

In 1833, the Mulhouse industrialists gathered within the Industrial Society of Mulhouse decided to keep their creations. Better, they strive to complete these archives by collecting productions from other countries and other times.

Ah, but you know what it’s like when you start a collection! Despite everything centered on Alsatian printing, the ensemble quickly became very important, a beautiful mass, and in 1955 the museum of fabric printing was founded in the rue des bons gens. In addition to 6 million samples, the museum keeps nearly 50,000 textile documents: yardages, bedspreads, scarves, shawls, etc. from the 18th century to the present day.

Yes, there are rare coins. More broadly, printing is part of a vast textile family of which important representative collections are also kept at the Museum, such as the famous plangi, ikats, or batiks. Go discover a beautiful exhibition of which only the Museum of Printing on Fabrics has the secret. It traces the manufacture of fashions, how fabrics became clothes made by tailors and seamstresses, before clothing gave birth to ready-to-wear.

By offering you a history of fashion through printed fabrics and their patterns, the museum exhibits pieces that show the permanence of certain decorations through the evolution of forms and clothing practices, a certain view of fashion. This exhibition is on view until March 26, you have all the practical information on the museum site tiret impression dot com. And to see also, The journey of the Indians, a new journey from the shores of India to Europe at the museum of fabric printing in Mìlhüsa.

The site of the Museum of Printing on Fabrics.

14, rue Jean-Jacques Henner

BP 146868072 MULHOUSE cedex

Tel: 03 89 46 83 00

Email: [email protected]

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