principals and teachers denounce cascading bugs

Since Thursday, the website dedicated to digitizing copies of the baccalaureate experiences very strong disruptions to the point that sometimes a single copy takes five minutes to be scanned.

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Principals and high school teachers denounce many bugs on the “Santorin” site dedicated to the digitization of copies of the baccalaureate, according to information collected by franceinfo. Since Thursday afternoon, it slows down sharply or even… stops completely. Sometimes a single copy takes five minutes to scan.

All the sheets on which the 524,000 baccalaureate candidates have worked since Wednesday, for the specialty tests, must be scanned, sent to a single server, before being redistributed to teachers, from Monday, for them to correct them.

Digitization is “a guarantee of progress, but above all it is necessary that the IT services of the National Education take into account the rate of load and the increase in power. We cannot continue like this”explained Olivier Beaufrère, principal in Essonne, and national secretary of SNPDEN, the main union of school heads.

Principals normally have until the end of the day to digitize everything. But given the technical difficulties, the union is asking for a little more time. The manipulation has already been tested since 2019, but its generalization does not seem to work 100%.

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