Princess Vittoria of Savoy turns 18! So proud, his parents open the family album

The house of Savoy is celebrating! This Tuesday, December 28, 2021, the princess vittoria, future head of the house, is celebrating his 18th birthday. Particularly active on social networks, his famous parents did not fail to mark the event, with souvenir photos and sweet words in support. For his part, the star of the day took advantage of a festive lunch “in all lightness” …

Early Tuesday morning, Clotilde Courau was already on Instagram to celebrate in pictures the 18 years of her eldest daughter. “The life that goes by. The years at a brisk pace. 18 years old already. One way or the other, as Bernanos says, we don’t endure the future we do“, she first commented. The actress also brought out several photos of Vittoria, from her early months to her adolescence (see slideshow).”Hello my little face. Do you remember ? The deadly glare. It sparkles with mischief. Always ready to make one … always with your sister [la princesse Luisa, 15 ans, NDLR]. Poetry is the prettiest nickname given to life. Remember that and go on your way (…). I will go to the end of the world, I will brave the bad winds to hug you and tell you that I love you and this forever. “

Also active on Instagram, Prince Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy relayed other tender photos of his daughter and heiress. “May all your dreams come true and may you always have the courage to follow them … happy 18 my love.“During this time, the Princess of Savoy, Princess of Carignan and Marquise d’Ivrée (no less) tasted for her birthday lunch … a Savoyard fondue! The advantage of blowing out your candles in the middle of winter.

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