Princess Mako’s wedding to a commoner

Philippe Mesmer, journalist correspondent in Japan, answers the children’s questions.

Article written by

Cécile Ribault Caillol, Marc Podevin – franceinfo

Radio France



Reading time : 1 min.

Princess Mako’s wedding in Japan made headlines in the Japanese press on Tuesday, October 26. The pupils of the CM2 classes of the Picpus elementary school of application, in Paris, ask their questions to Philippe Mesmer, journalist and correspondent in Japan for The world and The Express.

10-year-old Hadja asks several questions: “How did they meet her fiancé, do they really love each other or is it an arranged marriage? Will Kei Kamouro become a prince?” Jade, 9, wonders: “Why don’t Princess Mako’s parents seem very happy that she is marrying this boy? It must not be nice for him to know that he is not welcomed, that not everyone is happy. ‘okay for him to be with her… “

Finally, Gabin, 10, would like to know if the princess is rich and then he makes this connection: “Why don’t they stay in Japan? I feel like the story with the Japanese princess and her fiancé is a bit the same as Prince Harry’s with Meghan, because they too will be living in the United States. … “

On this page, listen to all the children’s questions and this franceinfo junior program.

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