Princess Eugenie: Her son August is already 1 year old! Back in pictures on his first year, between joy and pain

A year ago, Eugenie of York became a mother for the first time by welcoming her son august. Since then, on social networks, the princess has already shared several extracts from her new family life for three, with her little man and her husband Jack Brooksbank. It must be said that the Briton is one of the most active members of the royal family on Instagram!

Unlike her cousins ​​William and Kate, or her uncle Prince Charles, whose accounts are managed by their communications teams, Princess Eugenie seems to publish her Instagram content herself. Her subscribers have therefore already had the right to personal photos showing her with her little boy: a first three-way portrait a year ago, to reveal the name of the newborn, the princess’s first Mother’s Day in the spring, then Jack’s first Father’s Day in June or August’s first Halloween (see slideshow).

To celebrate the transition to 2022, Princess Beatrice’s little sister also revealed a photo of her son’s baptism, celebrated on November 21 in Windsor, at the same time as that of Lucas Tindall, the son of her cousin Zara ( Phillips) Tindal. “Goodbye 2021. A year that has blessed us with our boy and seen our family grow with new additions, but also a year that has taken some of our biggest and brightest lights“, she had written, thus referring to the death of her grandfather prince Philip, which occurred in April 2021. Two months before his disappearance, she had also chosen to name her son August Philip Hawke in his honor.

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