Princess Charlotte so similar to Queen Elizabeth II: this astrological sign at the origin of their royal temperament

She is one of the stars of the royal family, and probably the closest to her beloved Gan-Gan, the late Elizabeth II. Indeed, it is not uncommon for Princess Charlotte, 7 years old, or compared to her now-missed great-grandmother. The daughter of Kate Middleton and Prince William has indeed inherited the DNA of the Windsors and looks a lot like the monarch, whose funeral took place on Monday, September 19, when she was a child. And the resemblance does not stop at the physical. Charlotte of Wales indeed seems to share more than one personality trait of her great-grandmother and also shares with her her astrological sign, that of Taurus.

What does this sign of Charlotte and Elizabeth II say? And does it give them this royal temperament? Born on April 21, Her Majesty was a native of the first decan of Taurus when her great-granddaughter was born on May 2, thus being of the second decan. Like her, Prince Louis, her little brother, and Archie, her cousin, son of Meghan Markle and Harry were also born under this sign. Two astrologers who confided in Hello! evoke the many similarities between Elizabeth and Charlotte. “Taurus are stable, unwavering. Above all, they are simple peoplethey report. As an earth sign, they love the natural world, animals.“Just as the late monarch was, the 7-year-old indeed displays undeniable toughness.

These character traits that the sign of Taurus gives to Princess Charlotte

Taurus is reliable, faithful, and the queen will have proven it well in her 70 years of reign. They seem imperturbable, even if stubborn. “She’s not going to let people walk on her, and her great-grandchildren are likely to show tenacity characteristics as well.“, said the astrologers about Charlotte, Louis, and Archie. Here are some traits that Charlotte and her late great-grandmother may share. Being down-to-earth but also sensitive. As the Queen has always wanted everything the world feels good, Charlotte has been seen taking care of her uncle Harry, during the funeral. Or even picking up her older brother George, so that everything goes well. A queen. They are also stubborn and we know the character well-tempered of the little girl, already mentioned several times by her parents William and Kate.The Princess of Wales should also inherit the determination of her great-grandmother and her willingness to work hard, but also her reliability and loyalty. According to Alice Bell, astrologer interviewed by vogue, Taurus is a royal sign. And if there are many within the royal familyis that many of their characteristics—reliable, hard-working, dedicated aesthetes—are the very people who make the monarchy. Will Charlotte one day ascend to the throne to give the British people the benefit of all these qualities?

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