Princess Charlotte in tears on the balcony of Buckingham, revelations on a remarkable sequence

On June 2, 2022, Princess Charlotte made the show during the Trooping the Color parade. The daughter of Kate Middleton and Prince William captured attention, correcting her little brother Louis, or even when she was on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. A balcony on which she had already attracted the spotlight in 2018. This time, no smiles, no grimaces but tears that had marked the British. Why did Princess Charlotte end up in tears?

It was three weeks after the wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the members of the royal family had then found themselves on the occasion of the Trooping the Color parade, and to celebrate the 92 years of Her Majesty the Queen. While little Louis had just been born, Prince George and Princess Charlotte were very present with their parents. But the little girl, only 3 years old, quickly started crying. The Mirror had then revealed the reason for this very noticed sequence.

She started crying on the balcony

During the flypast, Princess Charlotte actually dropped an object she was holding. When her booklet she was holding fell, when she seemed to be having a good time with her cousins, the little girl started crying. A small booklet which was not very important fortunately since it acted inside this magazine, of the place of the celebrations of the day. And Charlotte of Cambridge was able to count on her mother, Kate Middleton, to give her a hug and reassure her with a few words. A few minutes later, the child found his so frank smile.

This year, no tears on the program for this platinum jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. Princess Charlotte multiplied the grimaces, but also some dance steps which enchanted everyone. And the little character of the daughter of Kate Middleton and William again made people talk, when she corrected her little brother. Once again stealing the limelight from the whole royal family.

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