Princess Charlene finally back: will she resume her official activities? The palace says more

This is the good surprise of this weekend: Charlene of Monaco has finally returned to the principality. Prince Albert’s wife has finally found her husband and their two young children, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella (7 years old). Due to serious health problems, the princess had been withdrawn from royal life since the beginning of 2021 and had left for Switzerland in November to continue her recovery there. His return was confirmed by the palace on Saturday March 12, 2022.

In agreement with her doctors and while her recovery is on the right track, their Serene Highnesses have agreed that Princess Charlene can now continue her recovery in the Principality, with her husband and was announced. In this perspective, Princess Charlene has just returned to Monaco where she is happy to have found her family and loved ones.Will the former South African swimmer be able to resume her royal activities? Already, the palace press release anticipates this question and is optimistic.

The next few weeks should allow him to fully recover before he can gradually resume his official activities.“The ad adds that the 44-year-old former sportswoman looks forward to sharing again”privileged moments of conviviality with the Monegasques who he missed so much“. There is no doubt that the impatience is mutual! But for the moment, the public is asked to show a little more patience: “In order to facilitate her full recovery, Princess Charlene still needing calm and serenity, the princely couple asks that we continue to respect her private life and her family environment..”

A convalescence in the heart of lively rumors

Charlene of Monaco has come back from so far… Her setbacks began in March 2021, when she developed a serious infection in the ENT area while she was on a wildlife conservation mission in South Africa, her country of origin. ‘origin. It took until November for her to return to the Rock, for a very short time. The princess then returned to Switzerland to continue her convalescence. His prolonged absence has sparked strong rumors in the Principality, ranging from an imminent divorce with Prince Albert, to a cosmetic surgery operation that would have gone wrong or an addiction to drugs linked to his alleged deep malaise.

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