Princes William and Harry gather together outside Windsor Castle


Video length: 1 min.

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This is the first collective public appearance of the two brothers and their wives since March 2020.

United in mourning. Prince William, heir to the crown, and his brother Harry, as well as their respective wives Kate and Meghan, gathered together, Saturday, September 10, in memory of the queen, before enjoying a long walkabout around of Windsor Castle.

This is the first collective public appearance of the two brothers and their wives since March 9, 2020. Reputedly cold, the two couples dressed in black created a surprise by marching abreast to the applause of the crowd gathered to pay tribute to Elizabeth II.

The presence of William and Harry side by side could be a sign of reconciliation for the two brothers, known to be cold since Harry and Meghan announced in 2020 their withdrawal from the monarchy and moved to the United States. If they appeared together, the two brothers did not make a public statement and left in separate cars.

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