Prince William: These excesses of rage that he inherited from his father, Kate Middleton forced to manage

It is no longer a secret for anyone, King Charles III is a man who has very difficult to manage his excesses of anger. When he was officially proclaimed king on Saturday, September 10, the new monarch could not retain his calm and then appeared furious for an improbable and unimportant reason. This is not the first time that the son of Elizabeth II. And the member of his staff often pays the price. And it may well be that his eldest son Prince William of Wales also inherited this angry character. How does Kate Middleton manage?

A future monarch with a fiery temper? This is Robert Lacey, author of Battle of Brotherswhich brought to the fore William’s angry character. Behind the scenes, the Prince of Wales would not fail to raise his voice. A personality that would worry even Buckingham Palace. In May 2022, in Evening MagMarc Roche, author of The Borgias at Buckingham (Editions Albin Michel) also evoked the unpredictable attitude of the husband of Kate Middleton. “[William] has a split personality. On the one hand he is a conventional being, proud of it, traditional and dedicated to the taskhe said. On the other, no doubt because of his troubled youth, he is angry, full of himself and his person, does not tolerate contradiction well..

When William gets angry, it’s often Kate who calms him down

And the mother of her three children, George, Charlotte and Louis would have a hard time calming down some of her dark aspects. But she gets down to it and accompanies him, knowing that it is a character trait to be corrected before he in turn ascends the throne one day. “When William goes into a black rage, it is often Kate who calms him down, assured a source at Daily Telegraph. She’s more the type to ask him to let it go.“For her part, the Duchess of Cornwall is of a very calm nature. In private, William would indeed be one of those who easily raises his voice. Camilla, Queen Consort, at the time of her marriage to King Charles III.”Camilla had been horrified by the declamations and delusions that William could unleash on certain occasions against Prince Charles“, wrote the author on this subject. We learn that William, Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall, “calls out“often on his father, who, him, “obediently submits“. A video of William had also made a lot of noise, revealing him very angry in the face of a paparazzi. Deleted by YouTube at the request of Kensington Palace, it nevertheless appeared on TikTok. Fortunately, he can largely count on his wife to frame him and calm him down. A queen.

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