Prince William: His son Louis refuses to hold his hand for his return, he asserts himself!

Back to school is a day that mixes impatience, curiosity and worry. For the siblings of Kate and William, it is all the more stressful as it takes place in a brand new establishment for George (9 years old), Charlotte (7 years old) and Louis (4 years old). They are indeed joining the Lambrook School, now that the family has left Kensington Palace for the surroundings of Windsor Castle with Adelaide Cottage. A more bucolic and more pleasant setting than that of London for the children of the couple who obtained authorization from Queen Elizabeth II for this move. D-day has therefore arrived for the adorable trio, which the photos show dapper in their uniforms. We will also notice the youngest of the family, Louis, wanting to assert himself against his father…

At only 4 years old, Prince Louis of Cambridge showed his need for autonomy alongside his parents Kate and William. Or more precisely in front of his famous dad. Indeed, the DailyMail was quick to note that the little boy didn’t want to hold his father’s hand when he arrived at the prestigious and expensive Lambrook School. If he wants to assert himself, he however kept that of his mother – like his eldest George – while Prince William held that of his daughter Charlotte.

This is not the first time that Louis’ behavior has drawn attention. During the Jubilee ceremonies of the reign of his great-grandmother Elizabeth in June, the little boy trained the cameras of the whole world on him between his rebuffs with his mother, his dances and his adorable expressions, totally from his young age . While the snaps and scenes can be fun, it also raises concerns for parents who don’t want their children to suffer from media overexposure. “I think Kate needs to wrap some semblance of normality around [leurs enfants]because she knows what [la vie royale] can do“, had explained Ingrid Seward, specialist of the royal family in the emission The Royal Beat. Settling a little further from London is part of this desire to preserve his family.

It must be said that Prince William was the first to live and suffer from the spotlight. Already as the queen’s grandson and second in line after his father Charles, but also with all that his mother Lady Diana endured, until her tragic death exactly twenty-five years ago. Moreover, she had thought of leaving to live in America, which Prince Harry did, choosing to emigrate to the United States with his wife Meghan. William cannot afford such radicalism (and perhaps does not want to), wanting to reconcile his family and his royal imperatives.

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