Prince William: His cousin Lady Louise is going to join a very special university for Kate Middleton and him!

An ambitious young girl that we are likely to see more and more often! At 18, Lady Louise Windsor, the granddaughter of Elizabeth II, indeed seems determined to also take her place in the royal family. Scrutinized during the Jubilee and the Commonwealth Games, the eldest of Count Edward of Wessex and his wife Sophie seems destined to play the leading roles in the royal family in the years to come.

And for that, you might as well be well prepared: the young girl, a skilled rider, will integrate one of the most prestigious universities in the country at the start of the academic yearafter having brilliantly passed her school leaving examination (comparable to the French baccalaureate), the renowned St. Andrews, where she will study English and should receive the best possible education.

A college that must have brought back good memories to his cousin William, heir to the throne: indeed, it was there that he had met in 2002 … a certain Catherine Middleton! Quickly close, the two had first become chaste roommates, before sharing their lives discreetly, to formalize and finally to marry, on April 29, 2011.

It is therefore possible that the couple advised him to follow in his footsteps in this place that has counted so much. It even seems clear, so close is the girl to them. She who spent a lot of time during the summer with them, even playing the role of babysitter with their three children (George, 9 years old, Charlotte, 7 years old and Louis, 4 years old). And we wish him the same success!

Still very discreet, the young Louise is gradually emerging from the shadows in recent months, particularly through the Jubilee and the various events to which she accompanied her parents. It must be said that Edward and Sophie of Wessex are among the more and more active members of the royal family and have completely recovered the role of Prince Harry and Prince Andrew, who have been away for several years. Very close to the queen, Sophie de Wessex also seems to get along perfectly with Kate Middleton.

And it should still go on increasing, the queen taking up less and less space in the monarchy and leaving her children to manage. A good opportunity for Louise and her little brother James, who will be 15 at the end of the year, to show themselves to the general public!

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