Prince William celebrates his 40th birthday: what are his many first names?

Prince William has, like any crowned head, inherited a slew of first names that Queen Elizabeth II reminded subscribers on Instagram. William is also called Arthur, Phillip, Louis. For the little explanation, Arthur was the first name Charles had chosen for his first child with Diana, an obvious nod to King Arthur, hero of the English historical novel. The Princess of Wales ended up winning her case with William, thus relaying the first name Arthur to the background. Philip is a tribute to his grandfather, husband of Queen Elizabeth II, who died on April 9, 2021. As for Louis, it is a tribute to Lord Louis Mountbatten, officer of the Royal Navy, Viceroy of British India and uncle of Prince Philip.

These first names, Prince William also gave them to his children. His first son, born of his marriage to Kate Middleton, is called George, Alexander, Louis. George in homage to George VI, father of Elizabeth II, Alexander for the middle names of the Sovereign and Queen Victoria (Alexandra and Alexandrina) and Louis for the same reasons as him. Their daughter Charlotte, so called for her grandfather Prince Charles, also bears the first names Elizabeth and Diana, for obvious reasons: a nod to the queen and her deceased grandmother, Lady Di. As for Louis, Arthur, Charles, the youngest of the Cambridges, he inherited a mixture of everything. It remains to be seen what first names the fourth will be entitled to, if baby 4 there is…

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