Prince Louis of Wales: This significant and improbable delay accumulated on his cousin Archie…

Those are two children with linked destinies who for the moment do not even know each other… Born in April 2018 and May 2019, Louis of Wales, Prince William’s son, and Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, Prince William’s son, are two little boys whose lives could have been similar. If Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle had indeed stayed in the UK, we imagine that the two boys could have been accomplices and grew up together.

Yes, but here it is things are far from being so simple, especially since the “Megxit” : settled in California now, the youngest son of King Charles III and his American wife have taken their son away from the British clan and have him, for the moment, never participated in a royal gathering. Unlike Louis, moreover: at only four years old, he had been the attraction of the Jubilee with his grimaces and his nonsense.

However, the adorable little brother of George (9 years old) and Charlotte (7 years old), is behind his cousin on one point: unlike Archie (and his two eldest), the little boy has never made official visits abroad! It must be said that for the past two years, everything has become more difficult with the Covid-19 pandemic, and that Prince William and Kate Middleton now prefer that their children no longer miss school to go abroad for several days.

Archie, meanwhile, had had this privilege… but must not remember it: indeed, he was only four months old when he accompanied his parents to South Africa, appearing twice before the Duchess of Sussex took him back to the UK, leaving Prince Harry to finish the trip alone. At the time, relations between the couple and the royal family were still rather good…

So, when is Louis’ first trip abroad? Endowed with a rather explosive character, the little boy will surely have to grow up a little before his parents took him with them and his siblings George and Charlotte. But it shouldn’t be long now… And why not at the time of the coronation of his grandfather, King Charles III next year?

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