Prince Harry: This reconciliation proposal refused by Charles III, the king and Camilla shocked

Since the death of their grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, the whole world has been watching them! At 40 and 38, and seriously scrambled for two years, princes William and Harry have finally managed to put everything aside for more than a week, in order to pay a last tribute to their grandmother together. An easing of their relations that their fans were looking forward to, but which does not mean that everything is forgotten… Quite the contrary!

Indeed, tensions are still great, especially on the side of the youngest son, who left for the United States with a wife and child at the end of 2019, and who ended up leaving the royal clan in March 2020. Very little income since, he had made numerous accusations against Oprah Winfrey, including one of racism against his wife, and should leave devastating memories for the entire royal familywho awaits them with fear.

But according to royal family expert Katie Nicholl, the quarrel would weigh on Prince Harry, who no longer sees many people in his family, and to whom his brother no longer wants to speak for fear that one of his statements will then be repeated. The 30-year-old would therefore have asked his father to have recourse to a mediator to settle internal conflicts… A process that would not have really pleased!

Indeed, the author recounts in the DailyMail that Charles would have been flabbergasted and that her mother-in-law, the new queen consort Camilla, would have “spit out his tea” when he mentioned the project, during an interview in the spring. However, this might have allowed the family members to finally explain their various grievances…

The queen also very suspicious

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle then met the queen during a short, very formal interview. A renewed moment during the Jubilee, during which they presented their daughter Lilibet to the sovereign. But the latter, who also feared, it is said, revelations of her grandson in the press, had cut short the meeting. Scalded by this rejection and that of his elder, Prince Harry then returned to California with his wife Meghan and their two toddlers (Archie, 3, and Lilibet, 1), without waiting for the end of the celebrations.

It is difficult to know how things will now unfold in this very special family, whose motto, “never complain, never explain“, seems more respected than ever in recent months. Everything will surely depend on the memories which promise to be a decisive step…

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