Prince Harry accuses William of betraying him by breaking a pact they made as children

The second part of the Netflix series of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry was released on December 15. And the couple goes up a notch in the accusations… Directly targeting Prince William within the royal family, Harry felt that he had been betrayed by his big brother.

How William has”betrayed“Harry?

He explains in front of the Netflix camera that communication works in a certain way within the firm, each house has its own communication team. And when he realized that his wife was being persecuted by the tabloids, he deduced that Prince William had something to do with it.

To avoid being targeted by the media himself with his wife Kate Middleton (who has long been tortured by the press for her commoner origins), he would have transmitted and sometimes “invented” stories about Meghan Markle to divert the Warning.

One “unhealthy game” and a real “treason” for Prince Harry who explains that the two brothers had sworn to each other that such rivalries would never happen between their two offices.

>> See also: Kate Middleton soon a 4th child? Prince William at the foot of the wall: “She forced his hand!”

Harry indeed remembers the promise they had made to each other, when they were younger, disgusted by what was happening at Clarence House, at their father’s. To prove his point, Prince Harry speaks of an episode dating from January 2020, shortly before the Sussexes announced their withdrawal. This is the date on which the British newspaper The Times published an article reporting that the rift between the brothers was caused by “bullying” of Prince William.

About this key moment, Prince Harry recalls: “I was told about a joint statement that was released on behalf of my brother and me, crushing the story that he was bullying us out of the family”. And to add: “I couldn’t believe it, no one asked me“.

“They never wanted to tell the truth to protect us”

It was then that Prince Harry truly understood the danger, he says: “No one had asked my permission to put my name on a statement like that. And I phoned M and told her and she burst into tears. Because in four hours they were happy to lie to protect my brother and yet for three years they would never tell the truth to protect us.”


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