Prince George: Why won’t he be able to travel with William any longer?

Will the Cambridges take advantage of the end of the year celebrations to take a few days away from Kensington? Rather than fly to their beloved Mosquito Island, Prince William and Kate Middleton usually spend their winter holidays at their home in Anmer Hall, Norfolk. They never really stray from Sandringham, where the Queen and the Royal Family celebrate Christmas every year. However, if they want to fly with their three children, it’s now or never …

In fact, when he has reached the age of 12, Prince George (8) will – in principle – no longer be able to travel in the same plane as his father, unless Elizabeth II gives permission. This old precautionary measure aims to preserve the monarchy and anticipates any accident that would cost the lives of the two heirs to the Crown. If a tragedy were to happen, Princess Charlotte (6 years old) would then be in second place in the order of succession, before her little brother Prince Louis (3 years old) and after her grandfather Prince Charles.

It has been years since the Prince of Wales and his son Prince William no longer travel together. Likewise, Queen Elizabeth has not flown with Prince Charles for a long time. For example, when Prince William and Kate Middleton went on a royal tour of Australia in 2014, they had to ask the sovereign for permission to take George, then a few months old. “While there is no official rule on this and the royal heirs have traveled together in the past, this is something the Queen has the final say over.“, commented at the time a royal press secretary to the BBC.

So there are four short years left at Cambridge to travel at five …

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