Prince George, 9 years old and already of character: a big warning given to his classmates

Children are sometimes cruel to each other. Some unfortunately do not have the weapons to defend themselves, but this is not the case for everyone. Not that of Prince George in any case! From the height of his 9 springs, the eldest of Kate Middleton and Prince William is already well aware of his status. Although he knows he comes from a royal family, he may not have realized a few years ago that he would one day take his great-grandmother’s place on the throne of England, after his father. It is now done!

Katie Nicholl, author of The New Royals, Queen Elizabeth’s Legacy and the Future of the Crown, published on October 4, reveals that little George has more ideas according to the Daily Mail. At school, the future Sovereign would not hesitate to issue warnings to classmates who were a little too annoying: “My father is going to be king. If I were you, I would be careful.” A warning far from the education that his parents Kate Middleton and Prince William seem to want to give him.

In the same book, Katie Nicholl indicates that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are keen not to place too much of the weight of responsibility on George’s shoulders. This does not prevent the little boy from being fully aware of the importance of his family and what awaits him later: “George, his sister Charlotte, 7, and his brother Louis, 4, understand how the monarchy works. They already have a sense of duty.

To educate George, Charlotte and Louis, Kate Middleton and Prince William have also taken the example of another important couple within the monarchy: Sophie de Wessex and Prince Edward. Parents of Louise, 18, and James, Viscount Severn, 12, the couple instilled in them the value of hard work despite the crowned status that fell on them from birth. Will George, Charlotte and Louis do the same? What is certain is that the eldest of the siblings should not let it go…

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