Prince Charles very worried about the queen: He goes “daily” to her bedside

Would Elizabeth II hide from the whole world that she is sick? According to Dailymail, many sources indicate that the queen may well be in a poor state of health. As proof, Prince Charles would be extremely worried about his mother and would surrender “daily” at his home in Balmoral to check that everything is fine.

Ingrid Seward, of Majesty Magazinesaid : “It is very unusual for Prince Charles to make these kinds of impromptu visits to see his motherAs a reminder, the Queen’s last public appearance dates back to July 21 at Aberdeen airport. She has since been staying at Craigowan Lodge in Scotland following her departure from Windsor Castle.

The Queen has been advised not to travel

Another element that could mean a failing state of health at Her Majesty, she should not go to London on September 6 to appoint the new Prime Minister. According The Sun, it is also very likely that Boris Johnson and his successor will make the 1,000 km journey to the Queen’s Scottish estate themselves. It would be the first time in 70 years of reign that the Queen would receive an outgoing or newly appointed Prime Minister outside of Buckingham Palace. Boris Johnson and the two candidates for the post of leader of the Conservative Party have already indicated that they would be very happy to make the trip.

A source reportedly told the Sun : “The Queen has been advised not to travel. But of course, no one gives orders to the Queen and, in the end, it is her decision. (…) There are certain functions of his role that Prince Charles can do on his behalf and the Queen is adamant that she will appoint the Prime Minister herself. It may not be the best choice to take the Queen on a 1,000km round trip for a 48-hour visit when Prime Ministers can easily travel to Balmoral instead“.

This is the latest change to plans due to Her Majesty’s health issues, who continue to face, at least officially, “mobility issues“.

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