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Like every evening, 11 p.m. takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Wednesday 16 February.
In Britain, Prince Andrew is not the only one in turmoil. His brother, Prince Charles is suspected of having accepted money for his foundation against privileges. “His former servant would have offered British citizenship to a Saudi in exchange for financial support for the projects of his foundation”, details Daniela Relph, BBC specialist in the royal family. To date, no one has been arrested, but the Queen could be shaken by this new scandal.
Spain mourns its missing sailors. Rescuers continue to crisscross the area but they no longer have any hope of finding survivors. “I’m relieved because he’s alive. But very sad because many of his companions weren’t so lucky“, confides the mother of a survivor. A minute of silence was observed in the country and Gallice decreed a three-day mourning.
Portugal has the largest lithium reserves in Europe. In Rebordelo, in the north of the country, the inhabitants are cautious: “Develop for whom? For half a dozen people who are going to line their pockets?“, protests Ana Afonso, a resident. However, the stakes are enormous and the installation of a mine there could make it possible to manufacture the batteries of 500,000 vehicles per year for at least a decade.