Prince Andrew escapes his trial: Queen Elizabeth forced to write a big check…

We now know a little more about the agreement between Prince Andrew and Virginia Giuffre. On Tuesday February 15, 2022, it was announced that the Duke of York had agreed to pay money to the American who accuses him of sexually assaulting her when she was underage, under the control of the millionaire sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein, friend of the Duke. The latter thus avoids a painful trial on the other side of the Atlantic… On Wednesday, the Mirror reported that the Queen had agreed to put her hand in the wallet to help her son…

The financial agreement between the 61-year-old Briton and his accuser amounts to 12 million pounds, more than 14 million euros. Elizabeth II would then have agreed to pay 2 million pounds out of pocket to the charity started by Virginia Giuffre, Speak Out, Act, Reclaim, which supports victims of sex trafficking. “She could not be seen making payment to a sexual assault victim, who accused her son of being an abuser“, explains a source of the british media.

On the side of Prince Andrew, the DailyMirror affirms that he too must pay 2 million pounds to this association, as well as 10 million to Virginia Giuffre. The financing of this agreement, privately and not with public money, will certainly go through the sale of his dear Swiss chalet in Verbier. A luxury property acquired in 2014 with his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson, for 13 million pounds. If he has to get rid of his chalet, the Duke of York will still be able to keep his role as Councilor of State, but also his Duchy of York and his title of Vice-Admiral. There is no doubt that he had to hold on to these functions, he who was already deprived in January of his military titles and sponsorships.

If he saves himself a trial, Prince Andrew should still continue to keep a low profile, as his brother and future King Charles would have demanded. The father of princesses Eugenie and Beatrice has been retired from public life since November 2019 and the broadcast of his calamitous interview for the BBC. He had barely reappeared last April at the funeral of his father Prince Philip, in Windsor (see slideshow).

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