Prime Minister in Iraq unharmed after “assassination attempt” with drone

The first Iraqi Mustafa al-Kazimi came out “unscathed” from a “failed assassination attempt” committed in the night from Saturday to Sunday by means of a “trapped drone” which targeted his residence in the Green Zone in Baghdad , his office said.

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This attack was not immediately claimed and it was not known whether it had caused any injuries, as well as the extent of the material damage.

“I am fine, thank God, and I call for calm and restraint on the part of all for the good of Iraq,” Kazimi wrote on Twitter. According to his office, this “failed assassination attempt” was carried out by means of “a trapped drone [qui] attempted to target ”his residence.

A little earlier, two security sources told AFP that a “rocket” had hit the house of Moustafa al-Kazimi in the Green Zone, an ultra-protected perimeter located in the heart of the Iraqi capital. and which also houses the US Embassy and government buildings.

After the attack, security forces were deployed in large numbers inside and around the Green Zone, according to a security source.

Rocket attacks against the Green Zone are recurrent. On October 31, three rockets fell in Mansour, an adjoining neighborhood, without injuring anyone.

Sunday’s attack on Kazimi, who has been in power since May 2020, comes at a time when Iraq is crossed by strong political tensions linked to the early parliamentary elections of October 10.

Hachd al-Chaabi, an influential coalition of former pro-Iran paramilitaries, vehemently contests the election results. Its political showcase, the Conquest Alliance, has seen its number of seats in parliament shrink, preliminary results show.

Clashes pitted several hundred Hashd supporters with security forces near the Green Zone on Friday. According to a security source, a protester died, while a source within Hachd al-Chaabi spoke of “two deaths”.

Hachd al-Chaabi supporters launched two sit-ins at two different entrances to the Green Zone in protest against the elections, which the Hachd leadership describes as “fraud” and “swindle”.

Despite its electoral rout, the Hachd will remain an important political force in Parliament, thanks to the game of alliances and the co-optation of independent elected representatives.

Still according to the preliminary results, the Sadrist current led by the influential Shiite leader Moqtada Sadr won first place in the legislative elections, with more than 70 seats out of the 329 in Parliament.

The final results of the ballot are expected to be published within a few weeks.

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