Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne campaigning in Calvados for the legislative elections

What there is to know

The day after the announcement of her government, Elisabeth Borne will be traveling to Calvados on Saturday May 21 and Sunday May 22. She will go to the sixth district of the department, where the Prime Minister is a candidate in the legislative elections. Saturday morning, from 11 a.m., she will visit a dairy and Holstein cow farm in Valdallière, franceinfo learned from the presidential majority. In the afternoon, she will go for a walk in the city center of Villers-Bocage, then she will go to the Eco-responsible Day in Chicheboville. Follow our live.

A vast game of musical chairs. A month after the re-election of Emmanuel Macron, France has a new government that oscillates between renewal and recycling. Comprising fourteen men and fourteen women, “it is a joint government, balanced between some who have already been ministers in recent years and then new figures” with “personalities who come from the left, from the center, from the right”assured Elisabeth Borne on TF1 on Friday.

Surprises in the ads. Among the surprises shelled on the steps of the Elysée Palace by Secretary General Alexis Kohler include the allocation of the portfolio of Minister of Foreign Affairs to the diplomat Catherine Colonna or the arrival at Culture of Rima Abdul Malak, until there adviser to Emmanuel Macron. But the center of attraction is the arrival at the Education Ministry of 56-year-old Pap Ndiaye, who until now ran the Palais de la Porte Dorée, and therefore the Museum of the History of Immigration. .

Now campaigning for the legislative electionsthe singer Francis Lalanne has submitted his candidacy for the elections of June 12 and 19 in the third district of Charente, the prefecture reported to AFP, confirming information from The free Charente. According to the newspaper, the 63-year-old singer-songwriter, known for his commitment to “yellow vests” and within the antivax sphere, presents himself under the label of a movement called “France Libre” and his campaign poster bears the mention “animalist, humanist, ecologist, sovereignist”.

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