Prime Minister arrested after opposing “coup”

Like his ministers, Abdallah Hamdok is now detained by the military, according to the Ministry of Information.

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The situation remains confused, Monday, October 25, in Sudan. The Information Ministry announced in a statement that dThe armed forces detained Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok, arrested “after refusing to support the coup”. Most ministers and civilian members of the Sovereignty Council overseeing the transition in Sudan are also detained.

Demonstrators began to gather on Monday morning in the streets of Khartoum to protest the arrests by unidentified armed men. The tension has continued to rise in recent days between pro-democracies and army supporters who had been camping since October 16 in front of the presidential palace to demand a “military government“.

Sudan has been undergoing a precarious transition marred by political divisions and power struggles since the army initially pushed former President Omar al-Bashir in April 2019 after three decades in power, under the pressure of huge popular mobilization .

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