Primary The Republicans: Can Eric Ciotti create a surprise?


France 3

Article written by

J. Neny, M.Diawara, G. Georghita, R. Laurentin – France 3

France Televisions

On December 5, we will know which candidate LR will run in the 2022 presidential election. France Télévisions cameras followed Eric Ciotti which is starting to gain momentum within the party.

Valerie Pécresse, Xavier Bertrand or Eric Ciotti, many of them want to compete for the presidency in 2022. In ten days, we will know at the end of the Congress of the Republicans who will be the official candidate of the party. Eric Ciotti who did not start as favorite create a surprise? the Newspaper of 12/13 followed the candidate with the ideas marked on the right.

In recent days, Eric Ciotti has been convinced that he is the candidate for the LR side. Some adherents even place it as a favorite. “I went from being a second-class candidate to being a favorite, it’s neither. Me, I trace my route, I defend my ideas in clarity in truth and in courage “, he explains.

At each meeting, the latter continues to put forward its ideas in accordance with the centers of interest of its members, namely immigration and security. “A common sense message, you touch your uniform, the same evening, you sleep in prison”, “You are a foreigner, France welcomes you, you commit a crime, the answer is prison and ‘airplane”, he said during a meeting. One thing is certain, a few days before the verdict, very smart is the one who can guess who will have the last word.

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