Primary school in Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac: “A climate of terror”, worries Marwah Rizqy

Cries, insults, terror. No matter the qualifiers to describe the words of the first-year teacher at the Grands-Vents primary school, in Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, they have no place, insists Marwah Rizqy.

• Read also: Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac: a teacher of 1D year terrorizes his students by screaming

“It does not respect at all what we want in our schools. Parents in Quebec are entitled to know, when they drop off their child in the morning, that he is in a healthy and safe environment, free from intimidation and verbal abuse,” the Liberal MP said on Monday. -speech on Education.

Mme Rizqy was called upon to react to the excerpts, compiled over three days of class and obtained by QUB radio, on the TVA Nouvelles bulletin at 12 p.m. The remarks disturbed the MP as well as the parents of students at the school.

  • Listen to the interview with Marwah Rizqy on Benoit Dutrizac’s show via QUB-radio :

“What we hear here has gone beyond intimidation. This is a case of verbal abuse. Personally, I don’t want parents to start sending recordings to schools and for us to enter the cameras.

“Clearly, there is a parent who saw that their child was all crooked from school, or even terrified of going to school, and, as a last resort, had to do this. Obviously, there is a climate of terror.”

Screenshot, TVA Nouvelles

The member for Saint-Laurent now fears that the school year of some students will be mortgaged.

“We are in the last stage before the end of the school year. This ballot is worth 60% [de l’année]. There is no student who is able to learn with these conditions of climate of terror.

Marwah Rizqy demands that the Ministry of Education carry out a “stop to act” and that it launch an investigation. She asks for the suspension of the teacher on the spot.

  • Pascal Bérubé, MP for the Parti Québécois in Matane, also reacted to this news in an interview with Benoit Dutrizac on QUB-radio:

“As soon as there is a derogatory act and the integrity of the children is compromised, we cannot wait. Make sure they are in a healthy climate. I also believe that he should dispatch a psychosocial team for these children.”

Finally, she wanted to reassure the parents of Quebec who fear that such a case occurs in the school of their child: “I went to several schools in Quebec. Almost all of the teachers are extraordinary and give 200%.

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