“Primal” by Zucco San, a pop sound inspired by soul, rock or even jazz

Violin for 9 years, piano in his spare time, guitar since the age of 15, singing in a group choir, theater school… Zucco San is a jack-of-all-trades artist who took the best in each of his experiences.

In 2009, after graduating from his theater school, he created a company with his 9 classmates with whom he toured for 5 years with 2 Comedia dell Arte shows. It was at the same time that he had the opportunity to compose and record the music for a musical show on human rights, proposed by the association AEHPI. 3 singles in English follow.

Zucco San plays in Parisian pubs and continues his collaboration with the association by composing the song “You women” written for women’s day protests. Actresses and singers, notably Enzo Enzo and Agnès Soral, take part in the project, from recording in the studio to shooting the clip.

Since 2017, he has been registered on the Livetonight platform which allows him to some private concerts.

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Then comes 2008 when Zucco San starts working on his own project. The goal is to release an album of 10 tracks. After reflection, these creations will be revealed in 2 stages, on 2 different EPs. The first “Primal” has just been released, the second is expected in early 2023.

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