“Pride to make the city shine”

Pierre-Yves Revol has been at the head of the CO for more than 30 years and is enjoying a new final for his club. Four years after the last time at the Stade de France.

We imagine a happy president…

“Yes, like every time we manage to thwart the odds and win against the best in French rugby. We are the club we don’t necessarily expect. It’s always a source of great pride , with our slightly more modest means, to be able to challenge the biggest teams with recipes that are a bit always the same but with a formidable collective, a coach in unison… It’s a lot of happiness.”

2013, 2018, 2022… Castres invites itself regularly now?

“We savor this new epic. They come in regular episodes and in the end it makes us a club with a significant record compared to the big teams. We are quite proud of that, and I think it is shared by the population. Our happiness in rugby is to provide pride to the people around us. Make a small town shine despite all the difficulties it has.”

What is special about this group this year?

“The group of 2022 is largely as united as the previous ones who reached the final. This year, there is a hyper united group. It is perhaps even richer on a human level than the previous ones because there are veterans like Julien Dumora who manage to pass on what makes us strong to a new generation who is thirsty for learning and who is full of ‘humility. It all makes for a pretty nice alloy.”

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