The vice-president of the Reconquest! and head of the party’s list in the 2024 European elections was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Tuesday December 5, 2023.
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Marion Maréchal, vice-president of the Reconquest! and head of the party’s list in the 2024 European elections, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Tuesday December 5, 2023. Preventive detention of S files, threat from the ultra-right… She responded to Jérôme Chapuis and Salhia Brakhlia.
Preventive detention “of all S files for Islamism”: “The legal basis does not exist, it must be put in place”
Marion Maréchal, affirms that she wishes to set up a “legal basis“to enable”preventive detention of all S files for Islamism“in France and”put them out of harm’s way“.”Since this measure does not exist, we will have to implement legislative reform“, she advocates, after the fatal attack in Paris on Saturday. “It must be put in place to put [les fichés S pour islamisme] out of harm’s way and remove the threat they may represent to society, while waiting to be able to evaluate each situation on a case-by-case basis.”
In this attack, one person was killed and two others injured by an assailant armed with a knife and a hammer. In his protest video, he pledged allegiance to ISIS. “What I’m asking is that we don’t wait for these people to commit attacks or murders to respond.”declares Marion Maréchal.
The executive vice-president of Reconquest! evoked “people who are time bombs“and regrets that there is”a precautionary principle for the environment, a precautionary principle for Covid where there is no problem in locking up 66 million French people for health reasons, on the other hand 5,000 S files which threaten the security of 66 million French, we have no solution“.
Preventive detention of radicalized people: “We must requisition homes, housing, barracks”
“Exceptional situation, exceptional response“, Marion Maréchal justifies herself by citing article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights. As a reminder, this derogation clause “provides Contracting States with the possibility, in exceptional circumstances, to derogate, in a limited and supervised manner, from their obligation to guarantee certain rights and freedoms protected by the Convention“.
Marion Maréchal draws the parallel with “administrative detention of migrants“which can last up to 18 months, according to European law.”Already, if we had 18 months ahead of us, that would allow us to expel foreigners, illegal immigrants, to strip any dual nationals of their nationality, and therefore to be able to carry out investigations on those who remain and who are French, who must not be the majority of the gender.”
As for where the people concerned would be held, she replies that “when the State can, the State wants“.”Dedicated detention centers are needed. It is necessary to requisition homes, housing, barracks“, she says.
Ultra-right threat in France: “We don’t care”, it’s “a threat that doesn’t exist”
After more than two weeks of ultra-right mobilizations, including the punitive expedition of Romans-sur-Isère, linked to the death of young Thomas in the Drôme, Marion Maréchal, refused to condemn this violence: “We do not care“, launches the former MP who believes that it is a “diversionary maneuver“to avoid talking about”anti-white racism“. For her, “it’s giving credence to a threat that doesn’t exist“.
Asked about her use of the qualifier “zozos“to talk about the ultra-right activists, including some neo-Nazis, who confronted the police in Romans-sur-Isère on November 25, Marion Maréchal says she does not want to”participate in any way in what I considered to be a huge diversionary maneuver, since, ten days after the murder of Thomas, the subject in France and the threat in France became the ultra-right.”
For the head of Eric Zemmour’s party, the ultra-right is a “paltry threat” : “Honestly, that’s not what threatens France today. What threatens France is ultra-delinquency and ultra-criminality, it is drug trafficking, it is everyday insecurity, it is Islamism, terrorist attacks, it is not is not the ultra-right.”
“How many murders, how many attacks, how many rapes, how many gratuitous attacks when leaving a nightclub or for a cigarette from the ultra-right? Zero. This is reality, zero“, she concludes, ignoring in particular the ten attempts at ultra-right attacks foiled by Internal Security in France since 2017, the death at the hands of a skinhead of the anti-fascist activist Clément Méric in 2013, the attack the Bayonne mockery in 2019, or the assassination of rugby player Federico Martín Aramburú in Paris in 2022 by a former member of the GUD (Union Defense Group).
Find the entire “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Tuesday December 5, 2023 :