Preventing obesity in our children in the school environment.

“In the care of OUR KIDS” is a project led by the Association “Sens et savoirs” prevention and health promotion association

Childhood obesity is increasing and the finding is worrying. It can be linked to an excessively rich diet and/or a lack of physical activity, most often associated with family predispositions. It must be taken care of quickly in order to avoid serious and lasting consequences on the health of the children.

“To the little care of our toddlers” aims to prevent overweight and obesity from an early age! Actions to promote health on the themes of balanced diet, physical activity and rhythms of life are planned for 3 nursery schools and crèches – 344 children are concerned in the Clermont conurbation.

A crowdfunding campaign is launched:

Célia Giraudie, Project Manager

Meanings and Knowledge / Dietitian-Nutritionist

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