Preventing fires in our forests

The image of these large fires spreading from tree to tree marked the summer of 2022. There is always a feeling of helplessness watching these blazes that nothing seemed to be able to stop. Antoine Bled Poitou-Charentes territorial director of the National Forestry Office first salutes the work of the teams in the field, an exhausting job, his thoughts will obviously also go to the firefighters with whom they worked.

Antoine Bled tells us about the “monitoring” system put in place.

The day before is carried out by the firefighters and the ONF and we alert the prefecture, the services of the direction of the territories.

First step: ban on work in wooded areas, we know that a spark can cause a fire to start.

At certain times in August we had less than 10% humidity, more than 30°, more than 30 km/h of wind: extreme conditions which favor the outbreak of fire.

We can then prohibit all access to the forest massifs, which was the case in Deux-Sèvres during the period of July 14. In the measures taken by prefectural decree, we recall the ban on making fires in the forest or introducing any source of heat.

We have an appointment with the ONF every 2 weeks on Fridays at 10.46 am on France Bleu Poitou, next episode: what forest for tomorrow? What species will it be made of?

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