Presnel Kimpembe marked by the birth of his son, very premature

It is one of the rare products of the Parisian formation to have succeeded in establishing itself in the professional team of Paris Saint-Germain. Since the arrival of Qatar and the arrival of international stars like Zlatan Ibrahimovic or more recently Lionel Messi, it is difficult for the young shoots of the club to find a place in the sun. But for Presnel Kimpembe, even if it took a long time, he managed to become one of the Parisian locker room. A status that allowed him to be called up by Didier Deschamps and to win the World Cup in 2018.

If he has lived very beautiful moments in sport, the 26-year-old defender has also gone through very complicated moments in his life. When his son Kayis was born in 2017, he was very premature and will spend 4 months in the hospital. A situation always delicate for parents faced with the fragility of these little beings not yet fully formed. Presnel Kimpembe remembers his memorable moments and talks about them in an interview with Liberation. “Sometimes, I returned to Paris after matches in Monaco or Marseille, it was 4 am, I went to the hospital and returned home at 7 am, then I resumed training at 10 am “, he reveals, before continuing, full of courage: “But it is these vagaries of life that have forged my character”.

Parents devoted to their children

Endowed with a foolproof mind, Presnel Kimpembe drew all his resources from his childhood, in a loving family, but not very fortunate. A mother cashier who has accumulated jobs to provide for the needs of her four children and a father seen as a “example”, ready to make any sacrifices for his son. “He gave me everything, Took me to practice when I was younger, didn’t go to work sometimes so that I could pick me up at Camp des Loges. He was also the one who transmitted this mentality to me “, summarizes the teammate of Neymar and Mbappé.

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