Presidential: what assessment after the first big meeting of Valérie Pécresse?


France 3

Article written by

J. Neny, B. Poullain, E. Rassat, P. Brame – France 3

France Televisions

Today, Sunday February 13, took place the first big meeting of Valérie Pécresse, presidential candidate. More 7,000 people were present at the Zénith de Paris. A crucial meeting, because the candidate is trying to breathe new life into her campaign after several defections from her party.

Valérie Pécresse knows it: pTo relaunch her stalled campaign, she must pronounce what her relatives call “the speech of his life”. This Sunday, February 13, on the occasion of its first major meeting at the Zenith in Paris, 7,000 people were present including all the tenors of his camp. First issue: address the voters of his opponent Éric Zemmour. Indeed, it threatens to overtake it in the polls.

To get her campaign off the ground, Valérie Pécresse reserved a few announcements, including her wish to organize a popular referendum. “In the new France, those who receive the RSA will give fifteen hours of activity to society every week”she also said. After more than an hour of speeches, the activists want to believe it again. “I think Valérie was excellent (…) we have gone a long way, but victory is at the end of this road”rejoices a partisan.

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