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Éric Zemmour has caused trouble within the National Rally. Party cadres have rallied to his cause and others might be tempted to follow him. But what about the side of activists and especially voters?
In Denain (North)the unemployment rate reached 35%. At the last presidential election, they were 57% to vote for the National Rally. In a marble factory, some workers will no longer vote, others vote blank or for Marine Le Pen. The subject Éric Zemmour divides. “It’s just bullshit”launches a worker. His colleague replies: “For me, he is an eye opener to the French.” More than ever, activists RN should mobilize voters.
Éric Zemmour struggles to convince the voters of Denain (North). “Oh no, I don’t like it”replies a resident. Several voters admit to remaining loyal to Marine Le Pen, and it is not the series of rallies that will make them change their minds. In a private bar in Valenciennes (North)Éric Zemmour’s activists are not discouraged. They refine their strategy every week. Nocturnal collage, leaflets, social networks, they will redouble their energy to try to convince the Northerners to vote Éric Zemmour.