Presidential election: The son of a candidate for the casting of a famous TF1 show

Arthur will most certainly be a formidable candidate in ninja warrior given its very sporty side. One could even say that the charming blond is a professional swimmer, since he achieved some great feats at a young age. In 2018, for example, Arthur swam across the English Channel and more recently, in June 2021, he swam the Seine in 49 days. From its source in Burgundy to its estuary in Normandy, it covered 744 kilometres, or 312 hours of effort. Followed for a documentary, his crossing also had an ecological dimension. The athlete was indeed taking samples to measure the pollution of the Seine.

Very sensitive to ecological issues, Arthur does not however wish to engage in politics like his mother, currently a candidate in the presidential elections. “I do not recognize myself in the current policy. Getting involved as I do today is my way of getting involved politically. I try to lead people to another way of life, healthier and simpler“, he confided in March 2022 for franceinfo.

Recall that Arthur is the third child of Anne Hidalgo. The mayor of Paris first welcomed into her life Matthieu in 1985 and Elsa in 1988, born of her first marriage to a university friend, Philippe Jantet.

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