Presidential election and abstention: precedents in Midi-Pyrénées

In France, it was the first round of the 1974 presidential election that mobilized the most: 87.3% participation (12.7% abstention) to carry François Mitterrand, Valery Giscard d’Estaing and Jacques Chaban-Delmas in the second round. Conversely, it was in 2002 that abstention for the Elysian ballot reached peaks if we put aside the second round of 1969 (31.1%) between Georges Pompidou and Alain Poher, abstention motivated by the third thief aside, Jacques Duclos and his “white bonnet and white bonnet”. In 2002, for no apparent reason, 28.4% of voters failed in the first round, causing the accession of Jean-Marie le Pen and the elimination of Lionel Jospin. Overview of abstention rates in Midi-Pyrénées in recent years in the presidential election.

Upper Garonne

Abstention rate in the first round in 2017: 18.84% / Toulouse: 26.32%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2012: 16.53% / Toulouse: 22.47%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2007: 12.49% / Toulouse: 15.83%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2002: 24.08% / Toulouse: 28.61%


Abstention rate in the first round in 2017: 17.34% / Albi: 21.03%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2012: 14.73% / Albi: 17.02%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2007: 11.58% / Albi: 12.92%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2002: 22.13% / Albi: 23.77%

Tarn et Garonne

Abstention rate in the first round in 2017: 17.80% / Montauban: 19.79%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2012: 15.00% / Montauban: 17.49%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2007: 11.98% / Montauban: 13.53%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2002: 22.23% / Montauban: 23.54%


Abstention rate in the first round in 2017: 15.89%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2012: 14.19%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2007: 11.63%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2002: 22.70%


Abstention rate in the first round in 2017: 18.22%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2012: 15.90%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2007: 12.85%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2002: 23.99%


Abstention rate in the first round in 2017: 16.39%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2012: 13.86%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2007: 10.98%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2002: 22.01%


Abstention rate in the first round in 2017: 16.67%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2012: 14.70%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2007: 11.79%

Abstention rate in the first round in 2002: 21.79%

At the regional level, in Occitania, in 2017 in the first round of the presidential election, 18.94% of voters abstained.

source site-38