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Éric Zemmour is in a meeting in Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes), Saturday, January 22. Nearly 4,000 people are expected at this meeting. Alongside the presidential candidate, a new heavyweight support: Gilbert Collard. A breath of fresh air for the polemicist, at the lowest in the polls.
In the pocket of Éric Zemmour, a new ally and not the least: MEP Gilbert Collard. A war prize hailed by the candidate on Saturday January 22. “He is an eminent personality, very popular, and has the same diagnosis as me.“ A rallying while Éric Zemmour’s campaign is going through a turbulent period with a judicial conviction and a loss of speed in the polls.
For Gilbert Collard, candidate Marine Le Pen is a thing of the past: “I join him for the ideas and the debates, and I think that one day Marine Le Pen will do like me.“ In three days, the candidate of the National Rally (RN) also lost the support of MEP Jérôme Rivière and Damien Rieu, the co-founder of Génération Identitaire. On the side of RN, we prefer to have fun with the consequences of the departure of the MEP. “We lost two MEPs, but we gained two points in the polls”, emphasizes the mayor RN from Perpignan (Eastern Pyrenees), Louis Alliot. At Eric Zemmour’s meeting, Friday January 22 in Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes) Gilbert Collard will share the stage with the candidate in front of nearly 4,000 activists.