Presidential candidate Eric Zemmour brings together 4,100 people at the Arènes de Metz

With a few hundred seats close, it was a full house at the Arena. Eric Zemmour organized a meeting this Friday evening at the Arena of Metz. In front of 4,100 people, he was therefore able to detail his program with several of his flagship measures: banning the wearing of the veil, sending foreign offenders back to serve their sentences in their countries of origin or even hiring 40,000 medical personnel. “I’m glad he came to our house, I even thought it was a little late“, rejoices Mathieu, an activist.

Eric Zemmour when entering the Arena. © Radio France
Arthur White

In the polls, the polemicist has lagged a little recently. AT 11.5% voting intentions, according to the Ipsos Sopra Steria institute for France Info this Friday. Either behind Emmanuel Macron (31%), Marine Le Pen (15.5%) and even Jean-Luc Mélenchon (12%). Not enough to discourage the candidate: “they want to reinstate the Le Pen-Macron match, we are the ones who say no“. And besides, many appreciate this speech. “I don’t believe in polls“, affirms Sarah. “I have this sentence from Coluche that comes back to me: polls are for people to know what they think“, adds Florian.

Eric Zemmour gave an appointment to his activists in Paris, place du Trocadéro, on March 27th.
Eric Zemmour gave an appointment to his activists in Paris, place du Trocadéro, on March 27th. © Radio France
Arthur White

In general, the activists were happy with the visit of their champion. “I was not expecting that at all“, explains Sarah.”It’s a magnificent city, with beautiful monuments, a magnificent station, he had to pass by our place“, adds Arun. The latter, if they wish to continue the dynamic, are called upon to leave the beautiful Moselle to reach Paris on March 27, on the Place du Trocadéro.

A demonstration of opponents of Eric Zemmour was organized a few meters from the Arena.
A demonstration of opponents of Eric Zemmour was organized a few meters from the Arena. © Radio France
Arthur White

On the sidelines of this meeting, between 100 and 200 opponents to Eric Zemmour met, a few meters from the Arena, on the forecourt of human rights. “We must at least show that we contest“, says Lisa.”It is true that in Lorraine, there is a very rich history of immigration and it is all the more provocative when you hear its incitement to racial hatred“, annoyed Leonardo.

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