Presidential 2022: Yannick Jadot presents his program


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the news of 13 Hours gives the floor to the candidates for the presidential election of 2022. HerTuesday, March 12, the guest is Yannick Jadotwho speaks live from Place de la République in Paris.

Saturday March 12, the presidential candidate Yannick Jadot speaks in the section “If I were a candidate” from 1 p.m., and details some of the measures he would like to take. His first concrete decision would be precisely to massively install photovoltaic panels on most buildings, because this avoids energy dependence.

The emblematic reform that would mark his five-year term would be that of climate reform, “humanity’s greatest challenge“, according to Yannick Jadot.It is also an extraordinary lever for creating jobs in all our territories.“, thinks the candidate. With regard to purchasing power strongly impacted by inflation, Yannick Jadot offers a check for 400 euros for the most affected families. On the education side, he wants to increase teachers’ salaries by at least 20% in order to make people want to practice this profession.

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