Presidential 2022: voters will be able to vote without a mask


Article written by

M. Larguet, B. Aparis, D. Da Meda F. Goncalves, France 3 Regions, V. Landolfini – France 3

France Televisions

Friday April 8, two days before the first round of the presidential elections, qWhat are the health rules for the ballot? The mask will not mandatory, but it remains recommended.

In a polling station, these are the final preparations. With the VSvid-19the plexiglass panels were installed in order to protect the voters, because everyone can come and vote without a mask, vaccinated or not. “We still trust common sense, that is to say, if we know that we have covid, I imagine that we come with a mask, we are careful”recalls Olivier Thomas, Mayor of Marcoussis (Essone).

Polling stations must be ventilated regularly and IThe entrances and exits will be separated in order to avoid any proximity. To Marsarc, in the Creuse, the route has been modified. “Given the sanitary conditions, we tried to make a shorter circuit”explains Daniel Dumas, the mayor of the city. All voters must have access to a water point and hydroalcoholic gel. Dn the Jura, a mayor has decided to require the wearing of a mask, because “the epidemic is gaining ground”.

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