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Monday, March 28, the candidate of Lutte Ouvrière, Nathalie Arthaud, is invited to the set from 8 p.m., less than two weeks before the first round of the presidential election.
The Workers’ Struggle candidate (LO) Nathalie Arthaud is invited, Monday, March 28, on the set from 20 hours. In the context of the conflict in Ukraine, she begins by explaining the means she distinguishes to put pressure on Vladimir Putin: “My hope, clearly, is on the side of the people, the Russian workers, all those who did not want this war. (…) I hope they will find a way to turn against Putin”. Nathalie Arthaud adds that the “capitalist society” we “regularly dives” in different conflicts.
Nathalie Arthaud wants to increase the SMIC to 2,000 euros net if she is elected president. “That’s what it takes to have a descent life”she explains. “Wages have been stuck at too low a level for too many years”adds the LO candidate. Finally, Nathalie Arthaud wants to introduce an exemption from fuel taxes for workers. “I am for the abolition of all taxes that weigh on workers”she concludes.