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Saturday March 26, during a television interview she gave from Guadeloupe, where she was visiting, Marine Le Pen was taken to task by independence activists.
On the evening of Saturday March 26, in Le Gosier (Guadeloupe), Marine Le Pen was finishing an interview when suddenly she was jostled and her microphone was torn from her. Her bodyguard was forced to protect her, as around 40 independence activists burst in. The candidate was then evacuated, under boos.
Sunday March 27, while visiting a farm on the island, Marine Le Pen returned to the incident: “There was not a single person from law enforcement to monitor the hotel”, where the interview took place. 35 years ago, his father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, could not even set foot on the tarmac in Martinique, invaded by 3,000 demonstrators. On Saturday March 26, Marine Le Pen’s trip to Guadeloupe had started well, with a warm welcome from its local activists.