Presidential 2022: in Roanne, inhabitants divided on the question of the vote


France 3

Article written by

H.Hug, J.-M.Lequertier, Th.Gilardet, N.Bergot – France 3

France Televisions

Many polls estimate that abstention could be important during the presidential election. Saturday, February 2, the section “Without detours” of 19/20 leaves for Roanne, in the Loire, to meet the voters.

On the banks of the Loire, Roanne (Loire) is the almost perfect reflection of electoral France. For the election 2017 presidential election, the inhabitants voted almost exactly like the rest of the French. Five years later, the electorate has changed a bit: 18-20 year olds get into the game. The basketball players of the Roanne Espoir team are divided on the question of the vote. If some are sure to go to the polls, others are still hesitating.

The war in Ukraine was a trigger for some, such as the employees of the HLM office, all volunteers to help set up apartments for Ukrainian refugees. In a popular district of the city, the situation in Ukraine is also mentioned in the reasons for going to vote. But the temptation to abstain remains strong: in 2017, it had exceeded 30% in this district. At the town hall, however, optimism is de rigueur in the face of the many people who have registered on the electoral lists this year.

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